Meet our dedicated and talented administration team.

Rav Yaron Fuxbrumer

Head of School, מנהל כללי

Rav Yaron Fuxbrumer graduated from the prestigious Yishuv High school, learned in Yeshivas Atteres Yisroel and studied for Semicha in the Tashav Kollel. Afterwards, Rav Fuxbrumer served in the IDF as a combat sergent and graduated from the Open University. 

Rav Fuxbrumer taught and served as an administrator in elementary schools for well over a decade.  Thereafter, Rav Fuxbrumer served as a director in a cyber security software company.

To our great fortune, Rav Fuxbrumer has returned to the world of Chinuch to head Talmud Torah Darchei Noam.

Rav Fuxbrumer
  • Yishuv
  • Yeshivas Atteres Yisroel
  • Teacher & Principal in:   
  •          תלמוד תורה בוסטון
  •          תלמוד תורה רש”י תל אביב
  •          תלמוד תורה פינס פתח תקווה


My passion is to give our precious Talmidim the skills and tools to realize their potential as true Bnei Torah and Mekadesh Shem Shamayim.

Rav Faivel Adelman

Menahel Chinuchi

Rav Faivel Adelman serves as principal of Talmud Torah Darchei Noam.

Rav Adelman received smicha from the Rabbinical Seminary of America (Yeshivas Chofetz Chayim) in Queens NY, where he studied for 16 years. He has been involved in education for decades, including teaching adults, teenagers, and children in various capacities, as well as holding the principalship at a local Yeshiva High School.

In 2006 Rav Adelman joined the Yedidim Organization and developed many of its successful educational guidance and big brother / big sister mentoring programs. These services are available to the Anglo communities in Yerushalayim and Beit Shemesh. Currently, he continues managing Yedidim, overseeing and supporting its programs.  Rav Adelman is also a sought after lecturer and featured speaker on issues pertaining to chinuch for Anglos in the Israeli system.

On his free time, Rav Adelman enjoys going on tiyulim and spending time with his children.  He and his family live in Ramat Beit Shemesh.

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  • Rabbinical Seminary of America (Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim), Smicha
  • Yedidim, Director


Menschlachkeit and Adelkeit is the best way to go.

Rav Lavey Freedman

Founder & Director

Before founding Talmud Torah Darchei Noam, Rav Lavey Freedman graduated from The Ramaz High School, learned in Beis Medrash L’Torah (BMT), studied Pre-med at Yeshiva University, studied for Rabanut Semicha and taught for 13 years in Yeshiva Shaarei Mevaseret Zion. Rav Freedman has been the Israel representative of Touro College’s Lander College Bais Medrash L’Talmud for the last 18 years and a Rebbe on the NCSY Kollel for the past 12 years.


Rav Lavey Freedman founded Talmud Torah Darchei Noam in order to give his own children and the children of RBS the very best in limudei Kodesh, Limudei Chol, in a warm, caring atmosphere with an emphasis on middos, derech eretz and a love for Klal Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.

Rav Lavey Freedman
  • Ramaz, Beis Medrash L’Torah
  • Yeshiva University
  • Shaarei Mevaseret Zion Kollel & Smicha Program


Educating our boys to become exemplary fathers and husbands.

Rav Moshe Pinchas

Founding Director

Rav Pinchas attended Chevron Yeshiva and the SSC S’micha Kollel in the Old City of Jerusalem and obtained a Teacher’s Certificate from Ohr Lagolah, a teaching program acknowledged by the Misrad Hachinuch.

He has a degree in Biomedical Engineering from Jerusalem College of Technology and is a practicing patent attorney.

Rav Pinchas taught at the Zilberman Cheder in Jerusalem and the Jewish Day School of Allentown, PA. He was also a rebbi at the English Speaking Beit Midrash in Machon Lev.

Born in Israel, Rav Pinchas founded Darchei Noam in 2008 with dreams of building a school that provides Jewish learning with professionalism and passion.

Rav Moshe Pinchas
  • Chevron Yeshiva, SSC Kollel -Old City Jerusalem, Ohr La’gola
  • Smicha from Chief Rabbinate of Israel
  • Biomedical Engineering degree from Lev Academic Center, Patent Attorney


Chinuch is all about teaching self-sufficiency and responsibility.